Wind-Clump interactions

I ran a series of numerical experiments to get a feel for how things like magnetic diffusion, cooling, field orientation might affect the results of the setup shown here (B-field is parallel to wire obstacles - into the board (z direction)). Cases with Diffusion have a diffusion scale length of .3 cm - and anything that says Tiny Diffusion uses a diffusion length scale of .01 cm. I also ran a few cases where the field is inclined - so By = .1*Bz

Left panel is density more or less scaled to final max density. Right panel is Bz autoscaled Cases with non-zero By field show contours of the vector potential that trace the field.

Diffusion Cooling No Cooling
No Diffusion
Tiny Diffusion
Diffusion + No diffusion in wire
Diffusion + 10% By Cooling No Cooling
Diffusion + Tiny Wire Diffusion + 10% By
Diffusion + No Wire Diffusion +10% By

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