HEDP Simulations


There were 4 sequences of runs to compare the effect of

  • Cooling vs no cooling on fiducial data
  • Effect of magnetic field with cooling
  • Effect of changes in magnetic diffusion length (for cooling and 2X fiducial field)
  • Effect of changing the cooling length from .1 to 10x for the 2X fiducial field with ½ the fiducial diffusion length

Reference Image

First comparison is the fiducial setup but with and without cooling

With cooling
Without cooling

Next we just used cooling but adjusted the magnetic field from 1.75 T to 14 T in multiples of 2

1.75 T
3.5 T
7 T
14 T

We then looked at the 7T case and explored the effect of diffusion comparing the case with no diffusion, ½ the fiducial, the fiducial, and 10X the fiducial lengths

.366 mm (½ fiducial)
.732 mm (fiducial)
7.32 mm (10 * fiducial)

And finally we looked at the effect of changing the cooling in the 7T half diffusion length case

.1 cooling
½ cooling
fiducial cooling
2x cooling
10x cooling

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