
Some sample numbers for 3D runs

  • 323+4 = 5123 effective with a high filling fraction
    • 2.2 GB / frame x 100 frames = .2 TB
    • 64 procs @ 1.2 GB of mem / processor = 76 GB of active memory
    • 12800 SU's
  • 323+5 = 10243 effective with a smaller filling fraction
    • 1.5 GB / frame x 100 frames = .15 TB
    • 64 procs @ 1 GB of mem / processor = 64 GB of active memory
    • 19200 SU's
  • 323+5 = 10243 effective with a high filling fraction (projected)
    • 12 GB / frame x 100 frames = 1.2 TB
    • 512 procs @ 1 GB of mem / processor = 512 GB of active memory
    • 102400 SU's

Projected needs for research

  • 6-10 runs for colliding flows
  • 6-10 runs for gravo collapse
  • 12-20 runs at 19200 SU's = 230400 - 384000 SU's
  • 12-20 runs at .4 TB = 4.8 - 8 TB of data

This is effectively the entire 192 infiniband nodes for 50-80 days or all of bluegene for 1 to 2 weeks (assuming memory issues are not a problem). If we had exclusive access to a quarter of bluegene, we would be able to finish these runs in 1 to 2 months.

Projected needs for groups research

This is of course, just for the research I would like to do in the next few months. When you consider the rest of the group we are looking at maybe 3-4 times that?

As far as storage space is concerned, we currently have 21 TB of storage space of which 5 TB is available. If each grad student/post doc has 5-8 TB of active data that needs to be stored until a paper is published, then we would need at least 30 TB. (That's assuming folks get rid of their old data as soon as the results are published). At some point (when we have the new bluegene machine) we will be generating too much raw data to effectively store and we'll have to figure out how to generate useful output (ie spectra, column density, only coarse grids, etc…)


1. Baowei Liu -- 13 years ago

Hi Jonathan, please correct me if I'm wrong. We need 10-11 TB more storage space and we have three options:

  1. replace our current hard disks with twice-size new ones
  2. new raid storage of size 10-11 TB
  3. new 8-core machine with storage size 10-11 TB

I will check the detailed information and prices after we agree with this.


2. Jonathan -- 13 years ago

That is correct… We would be replacing 16 1 TB drives (on grass and alfalfa) with 2 TB drives or purchasing 8 2 TB drives + controller… I don't remember how old the 1 TB drives on grass are (or the 2 TB drives on clover). Maybe Frank Minisci would have copies of the old purchase reqs? The ones on alfalfa are pretty new (< 1 yr). Clover is the oldest machine, but it has 2TB drives right now.

3. martinhe -- 13 years ago

I agree with Jonathan's figures.