Meeting Update 1/21/2013

Worked with Christine in setting up her problem module.

  • Ran into problems with the boundaries due to cooling time scales being short and DM Cooling has no equilibrium temps.
  • Solution was to have very high density contrast between disk (1e-7 g/cc) and outer edge of ambient (1e-20 g/cc).
  • Also wanted to have hydrostatic equilibrium without requiring temperature extremes - so set up isothermal solution…
  • First we added a constant pressure to p_inf to get the desired pressure at the disk edge - but since the density changes, this makes the ambient no longer isothermal.
  • IF we try to solve for to give pressure matching at the disk edge we end up with a transcendental equation
  • If instead we fix T or and solve for we get an easier equation to solve.


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