Meeting Update 2/4/2013

  • Magnetized Colliding Flow Update
movie movie
  • Looked at riemann solvers for general EOS johannjc01312013
  • Van der Waals EOS implemented and tested johannjc02012013
  • New equations of state possible - just need to provide functions (or tables) for:
    • Pressure given internal energy and density + tracers
    • Sound Speed given internal energy and density + tracers
    • Internal energy given pressure and density + tracers
    • Temperature given internal energy and density + tracers (technically not needed for euler equations)
  • Does this automatically go into 'Golden Version' since collaborators are interested in using it? or is there a centralized development branch we should be pushing/pulling into?
  • Organized existing documentation into Developer's Guide and various team pages.
  • Updated the code to be doxygen compatible and enabled the doxygen tab
  • Plans for this week
    • Write and implement Helmholtz EOS
    • Sesame tables? - maybe someone else wants to take this on?
    • FLD solver

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