Meeting update

  • Cleaned up sweep scheme - and self gravity (soon to be checked into main repo)
  • Implementing Bondi accretion
  • Improved protection options. See ProtectionOptions
  • Cleaned up cruft in PhysicsData namelist…
    ! AstroBEAR file.
    ! Input data describing built-in physics-related parameters of the code.
    ! Created for problem:  Template
    ! Default values for variables in [brackets]
    ! Equation of State stuff
    gamma =  1.66666666666667  ! Adiabatic index for ideal gas [1.66666666667]
    Xmu   =  1d0               ! mean molecular weight [1d0]
    iEOS  =  0                 ! [0]-ideal gas, 4-Isothermal  (Equation of state)
    ! Field based refinement control
    InterpOpts = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0  ! [0]-constant, 1-minmod, 2-superbee, 3-vanLeer, 4-mc, 5-Parabolic (not conservative), 6-Linear (not limited).  It is recommended to use constant interpolation for any fields in q that correspond to aux fields (iBx, iBy, iBz, etc...)
    refineVariableFactor = 1d0,1d0,1d0,1d0,1d0,1d0,1d0,1d0,1d0,1d0,1d0 ! weight factors for each field used in triggering refinement.  Combined with qtolerance for that level. [1d0]
    ! Global source term switches
    lSelfGravity  = .false. ! Turns on self-gravity if true [.false.]
    UniformGravity = 0d0    ! Gravitational acceleration in the -y direction [0d0]
    iCylindrical  = 0       ! [0]-No cylindrical geometry, 1-Cylindrical with no angular momentum, 2-Cylindrical with angular momentum
    ! Density Protection Options
    lRestartOnDensityProtections = .false.  ! Do density protections trigger restarts?  [.false.]
    iDensityProtect  = 2                    ! 0-Set to MinDensity, 1-Set to minimum nearby density, [2]-Average nearby densities
    iMomentumProtect = 2                    ! 0-Conserve momentum, 1-Set to zero, [2]-Average nearby velocities
    MinDensity       = 1d-10                ! Minimum computational density before protection is triggered [1d-10]
    ! Pressure Protection Options
    lRestartOnPressureProtections = .false. ! Do pressure protections trigger restarts? [.false.]
    iPressureProtect = 4                    ! 0-Set to MinTemp, 1-Set to minimim nearby pressure, [2]-Set to average nearby pressure, 3-Set to minimum nearby temperature, 4-Set to average nearby temperature
    MinTemp          = 1d-10                ! [1d-10] minimum allowed temperature for the system in Kelvin before protection is triggered
    ! Description of various scaling parameters
    ! Define one of each of the following: [nScale/rScale], [TempScale/pScale], and set the other to 0d0.
    nScale          =       1d0,              ! number density scale parameter [particles/cc]
    rScale          =       0d0,              ! density scale [g/cc]
    TempScale       =       1d0,              ! temperature scale parameter [Kelvin]
    pScale          =       0d0,              ! pressure scale [dynes/cm^2]
    lScale          =       1.4959800E+015,   ! length scale parameter [cm] (AU=1.49598e13, pc=3.08568025e18, R_sun=6.955e10
    ! MHD related section
    lMHD             =  .false.      ! Magnetic Fields present? [.false.]
    lCheckDivergence =  .false.      ! Turn on divergence checking [.false.]


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