Procedures for updating scrambler repo

So i checked in what should be a newer version of the code to clover:/data/scrambler_devel that should be tested and (if successful) pushed onto clover:/data/scrambler.

Before testing on clover, someone should run hg update to update the source files to match the newly pushed head. I also was looking through all of the scripts and found…

  • buildtests.s - Brandon's old suite of three tests intended to be run on bluehive.
  • testbuilds.s - My script that attempts to compile every problem module
  • test_scripts/test_Xproc.pbs - pbs submission scripts for Brandon's old suite of tests.
  • modules/ - empty… I believe at one point Brandon or Matt intended to use this as a type of configure script to turn on/off the compilations of various modules
  • tests/go.s - script that does post processing on an individual test problem passed as an argument
  • postprocess.s - script that cycles through a list of tests and runs go.s (currently only setup to test FieldLoopAdvection)

But i currently don't see Matt's script or any script that would cycle through the problems and actually run them - or update the output on the wiki in astrobear in the scrambler repository

I did find an svn repository cloverdata/repositories/tests/ that has the images and the logs from the last test run that show up if you use matt's wiki plugin

And there is a copy of the repository at cloverdata/tests in which there is a process_chombos script which I imagine is supposed to update the test logs etc… and then check in the new images to the tests repository so they can be displayed on the wiki… but there should be another script somewhere that actually runs each test problem before calling this processchombos script…


So the buildproblem script can be found in /home/noyesma/bin and Matt's screencast is available at


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