Planetary Atmospheres

Ran simulation using hydrostatic profile from r_inner to the boundary, but began to see unusual behavior. Very high temperatures caused the timestepping to slow to a crawl.

And this shows lineouts along the x axis of

  • Temperature
  • density
  • mach number
  • |vx|
  • Pressure
  • |g|
  • |grad(p)/rho|
  • |grad(p)/rho + g|
  • |v dot grad(v)|

I then reran this with the outer boundary being stepped on and saw the following:

Summary of things we've tried

  • Pressure Equilibrium - Led to temperature jump which broke radiation solver
  • Isothermal atmosphere - Self-gravity solver couldn't reliably converge
  • Point Gravity with both inner and outer boundaries - heating of lowest density material
  • Point Gravity with just inner boundary - very high temperatures and tiny time steps.
  • Also - low res simulations cause density protections regardless of time step due to 'weakness' with 6 solve CTU.

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