Thinking about evanescent solutions to self-gravity...

So we start with the linearized differential equations

which we Fourier transform in physical space and solve the third equation for and substitute it into the second.

which gives us a matrix equation for the time evolution operator. Now we just need to find eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

The characteristic equation is

and we have

with eigen vectors

However given the presence of self-gravity we see that can be real as well as imaginary.

So for stable waves we have where is real and positive. And there are two solutions… (a left and right going gravity-modified sound wave. Gravo-accoustic modes)

And if where is real - then we have two solutions as well.

these correspond to an exponentially increasing collapse and an exponentially decreasing decay (which is just the time reversed version of the 1st) Note the velocity field is phase shifted.


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