HydroStatic Isothermal Disk

First every distance is softened to avoid trouble at origin

Distance from origin:

Distance from rotation axis:

Disk radius:

Then angular velocity is set to be keplerian and balance force along the 's' direction

Then the density within the disk is set to be constant along the midplane with a decaying exponential to give vertical hydrostatic equilibrium.

where the scale height is given by

At the outer rim of the disk when Omega goes to zero and the profile changes slightly to

which is just the profile for an envelope about a point mass in hydrostatic equilibrium ie

Then for each point where is the disk background density.

Finally additionally smoothing is done in density and pressure between the disk solution and the original cell values at the outer radius using the disk%thickness to define this smoothing distance - although I did just notice a typo if one uses the hydrostatic disk without using an isothermal EOS…


should be replaced with


so that if one uses a gamma of 1.0001 the disk is at the same temperature.


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