Radiation interface

To use radiation you need to

  • Add configuration options to global.data
    !Variables used for radiative transfer module
    solver                  = 2             ! Which solver to use for linear system solve? StructPCG=1, StructGMRes=2, StructSMG=3 [1]
    tolerance               = 1e-4          ! Solver convergence tolerance [1e-6]
    printlevel              = 0             ! Sets print level for hypre solver.  Increasing this will make solvers more verbose. [0]
    MaxIters                = 10000                 ! Maximum number of iterations to attempt convergence.  [1000]
    hverbosity              = 0             ! Anything > 0 will cause linear systems to be outputted as matrix, rhs, lhs files. [0]
    mthbc                   = 6 2 2 1 2 2   ! What type of boundary conditions to use for gravitational potential
    					! format:  (x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2)
    					! 0-Free Streaming,
    					! 1-Extrapolated,
    					! 2-Periodic
    					! 3-Reflecting
    					! 4-User defined boundary
    					! 5-User defined radiative flux
    RadFlux                 = 824931.169876 ! User defined radiative flux used for mthbc 5
    Crankiness              = 1             ! parameter that adjusts from backward euler (0) to crank-nicholson(1) time stepping.  (2 is forward euler but nothing over 1 should be used - and 0 should be more stable but less accurate)
    cfl_rad                 = .01
  • Set iRadiation in physics.data
    iRadiation = 1 ! 0 no radiation, 1 implicit terms only (heating/cooling), 2 implicit and explicit (includes pressure forces and advection)
  • Set opacity related variables
    ! Opacity related section
    PlanckOpacityType = 1 ! [1]-Specific Opacity, 2-Power law opacity
    PlanckSpecificOpacity = 1000  !computational units
    RoselandOpacityType = 2 ! [1]-Specific Opacity, 2-Power law opacity
    RoselandSpecificOpacity = 1 !computational units
  • Make sure to intialize the radiation field. Equilibrium value is given by scalerad*T4. Not all objects will support this.

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