Prescription for making line projections from Planetary Sims
The prescription of Bourrier et al is to calculate (at each pixel) the average optical depth for range of velocity bins with spacing (or frequency bins with size , so that
So we have
Now to get the line profile in terms of velocities, we can start with the line profile in terms of frequencies:
and realizing that this is a distribution, we can use
to get
Putting this all together we have…
Now if we bin the column densities into velocity bins, we have
and we have
is of order 20 km/s and is 76 m/s… so if , then the integral may as well go to infinity and we have
and for
(wave arms in air for a bit)
so we have
Or at least that's how I get agreement with their equation 11…
So were I to implement this approach, I would create projections (integrations along LOS) of
where Saha equation - or balancing radiative recombination with direct ionization… They give very different answers for the ionization fraction at the planet wind temp.
corresponds to the bin that the LOS cell velocity lies within and is the ionization fraction computing using either theRemaining questions
- How to chose the ionization fraction? - Need to balance photo ionization with radiative recombination
- We should use thermal broadening (which dominates over natural broadening)..
- Binning particle velocities before convolution seems numerically expedient - but binning errors are orders larger than convolution corrections…?
- Why not just numerically approximate integral of line profile - and calculate contributions to each absorption bin for each cell.
Thermal broadening
It should be more accurate to calculate the LOS velocity and the thermally broadened line profile, and then calculate the contribution of that profile to each bin in frequency space. The thermal broadening profile is just a Gaussian, so using the error function we can calculate the contribution to each bin…
Now without thermal broadening, we have
however, with thermal broadening, we have
which gives us
Now the integral over
is a convolution with a lorentz and gaussian profile - which gives a Voight profile… however, the thermal broadening is much larger than the natural broadening, so we can approximate the natural broadening as a delta function…
which gives
or upon integrating the exponential, we get
So for each frequency bin, we can create a LOS integration of a corresponding integrated opacity
is the number density of neutral HydrogenPhotoionization
Also need to update code to include photoionization rates as well as direct ionization and radiative recombination…
Photoionization rate can be calculated from
We can approximate
and we can calculate the luminosity from Planck's law integrated over the area and solid angle…
Putting this all together, we get
Now assuming a temperature of
, this gives
and a photoionization time scale (at the .047 AU) of .0435 yr
Here is the same plot as before, but included are the equilibrium ionization fraction as a function of temperature for material at the orbital separation and with densities of 1e7 and 1e9 particles/cm3
Now in Bourrier et al, they leave the photoionization rate a free parameter and adjust it between .5, 1, and 5 times the solar value.
They quote the ionizing flux at the solar minimum from
which cite
which have a photoionization rate at 1 AU of 1e-7/s or 115 days. At .047 AU this would be 6 hours which is close to the 8 hours shown in Bourrier et al.
This would imply a photoionizing rate of
currently I am using 3.5808d19
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