Running 32/64 processor jobs on the standard queue...

It seems that running 32/64 processor jobs on the standard queue is no longer practically feasible… I believe this is due to the backfill policy favoring the plethora of single processor jobs. The only 32+ job I've gotten to run lately on the standard queue was after the CRC downtime when backfill would not have been a factor. Steve recommended using the ib queue for larger jobs although this queue restricts us to using 14 nodes plus the 8 afrank nodes instead of the 94 nodes available to the standard queue… I have however, gotten a job to run on the ib queue there with a reasonable wait time although the wall time is limited to 2 days instead of 5 so this means more frequent restarts and more babysitting…

Also talked with Eric and we decided to do 3D runs of non-linear initial density perturbations and virialized velocity perturbations


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