Insights from CEPO2021 conference

  • Noteworthy viewpoints?
    • Convection is too slow to be important (Fritz Roepke)
    • Triples are extremely important (Silvia Toonen)
    • The collimation mechanism for PNe does not work (Noam Soker)
    • The mechanism we proposed for explaining WD planets does not work (Noam Soker)
    • Accretion rates and jet feedback efficiencies are too low to matter (Hagai Perets)
  • Opportunities?
    • Accretion and jets — super-Eddington, hyper-Eddington, neutron stars
    • Triples
    • Eccentricity
    • Mergers
    • "Double CE"
    • GW waves, especially during mergers
    • Zoom sims to study accretion (long way off but we have good tools)
    • MHD (do we get the jets seen by the AREPO group?)

Papers in progress

  • Jet paper (will be ready soon, plan to submit by Month's end)
  • WD planets paper II (plan to submit by year's end)
  • EOS paper
    • Recall that I moved from RGB to AGB since could not get RGB to work at "modern" resolution and ambient density (code HANGS)
    • AGB run is going on "okay" but also sometimes HANGS — this is the test run
    • I must redo the EOS analysis of MESA profile using the AGB star (not that hard)
    • Plan to make the improvements to the code that were there in the old EOS RGB run that was hanging
      • automatic refinement shape modification (depending on inter-particle separation)
      • tracers
        • ambient/star/core region
        • HI/HII/HeII/HeIII
    • Then plan to perform 4 runs
      • MESA EoS without radiation — must verify that radiation is unimportant for AGB star
      • MESA EoS without recombination energy or radiation
      • MESA EoS without hydrogen recombination energy or radiation
      • Ideal gas gamma=5/3 (or use old run if we have to)
  • Force paper II (future)
    • understanding the drag force at late times
    • equal particle mass simulation (Run 263, now completed) and Escala+04 model…

Simulation work


  • Run 259: AGB run with 10 M_Jupiter companion (ran up to frame 1366 and completed analysis — may use it for WD planets paper)
  • Run 263: AGB run with 0.53 Msun companion, equal to mass of core particle (ran up to frame 1291 and completed analysis — for future force paper)


  • Run 268: AGB ideal gas run with 0.08 Msun companion (reached frame 265 and hangs; I have paused it for now — for use in WD planets paper)

In progress

  • Run 269: AGB MESA EOS run with 0.08 Msun companion (reached 245 and I'm still running it, but about half as fast as 268 — for use in WD planets paper)
  • Run 270: AGB MESA EOS run (reached frame 36 out of ~1137, hangs but maybe problem is just a one-off)


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