Paper | Runs | Run IDs | Progress | Last complete frame | Remaining cost | Hanging? | Resolution | Ambient density | Comments
CE jet | See paper on Overleaf | 10 runs (9 main sequence + 1 white dwarf companion) | Completed | 173 | 0 | No | 4 AMR | 6.7e-9 g/cc | Run by Amy
EOS | AGB: As C+20 but with (1)MESA EOS; (2)MESA EOS without recombination energy; (3)MESA EOS without hydrogen recombination energy (but including helium recombination energy) | 270/ ? / ? | In progress/ Not yet started/ Not yet started | 72 / -1 / -1 | ~80% of remaining SUs | Sometimes, but after running for ~36 hours | 3 AMR (envelope), 5 AMR (near particles) | 1e-9 g/cc | I'm also retrying the original RGB EOS run which has higher resolution (4 AMR for envelope, but now 7 AMR near particles), smaller softening length (0.6 Rsun instead of 2.4 Rsun), lower ambient (1e-9 g/cc instead of 6.7e-9 g/cc), tracers for core/envelope/ambient and for initial ionization, and some minor code improvements including a bit more automation
WD planets paper II | RGB or AGB +low mass companion | 151(RGB+0.25 Msun companion)/ 259(AGB+0.01 Msun companion)/ 268(AGB+0.08 Msun companion, ideal gas EOS)/ 269(AGB+0.08 Msun companion, MESA EOS) | Completed / Completed / Paused / In progress | 173 / 1366 / 264 / 271 | ~20% of remaining SUs — will keep running 269 but 268 was hanging so I will keep it on pause for now | Sometimes | 4 AMR for RGB run 151 / 3 AMR (envelope), 5 AMR (near particles) for AGB runs | 6.7e-9 g/cc for RGB run / 1e-9 g/cc for AGB runs | To get a sense of how much expansion is possible during plunge-in for a low-mass companion. See also recent work by Kramer+2020
Drag force paper II | AGB: As C+20 but now companion has same mass as primary core particle (0.53 Msun, instead of 1 Msun) | 263 | Completed | 1291 | 0 | Happened 1 time | 3 AMR (envelope), 5 AMR (near particles) | 1e-9 g/cc | With particles of equal mass, we can use/test the phenomenological model of Escala+2004 which was applied to inspiraling super-massive black holes of equal mass, because with equal particle masses there will be extra symmetry at late times, which simplifies the problem and could therefore lend itself better to physical interpretation…remember our goal is to understand and model the drag force at late times, something we left for future work in C+19b
Neutron star CE Jet | Similar to 10xEddington jet run, but with ~1.6 times higher Mdot and ~35 times higher jet speed | ? | Cannot make it to frame 1 (times out on stampede at frame 0.7 or 0.8) | 0 | ~estimated 35 times as expensive as typical jet run and ~3.5 times as expensive as WD jet run | Not so far | 4 AMR | 6.7e-9 g/cc | Set up and attempted by Amy. Runs but just takes long (lots of resources). Would be high impact research. Would likely not be quenched. Nothing comparable in the literature.
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