New EOS runs

  • Similar to fiducial RGB run from Papers 1-4.
    • Same r_soft=2.4 Rsun
    • Same ambient density and pressure
    • 1 extra level of AMR around particles to improve energy conservation
    • A bit more automation to refinement part of code
    • Uses more recent version of AstroBEAR
    • If energy is well conserved can evolve up until separation = 2 r_soft=4.8 Rsun (do not expect full unbinding by then)
  • This is less ambitious compared to first two attempts which used factor of 6.7 lower density ambient, 4x smaller softening length, and either 3 or 2 extra levels of AMR around particles compared to fiducial run from Papers 1-4 (but these runs kept hanging, apparently due to insufficient memory).
Description Run ID Paper Primary Secondary Status Last complete frame Remaining cost Hanging? Resolution Ambient density Comments
MESA EOS 271 EOS RGB 1 Msun In progress 23 ~25% of remaining SUs? Not so far 4 AMR (envelope), 5 AMR (near particles) 6.7e-9 g/cc As fiducial RGB Run 143 but with extra AMR level, tracers for core/envelope/ambient and for initial ionization, and some minor code improvements including a bit more automation
MESA EOS without recombination energy ? EOS RGB 1 Msun Not yet submitted -1 ~25% of remaining SUs? N/A 4 AMR (envelope), 5 AMR (near particles) 6.7e-9 g/cc Same as Run 271
MESA EOS without hydrogen recombination energy (but including helium recombination energy) ? EOS RGB 1 Msun Not yet submitted -1 ~25% of remaining SUs? N/A 4 AMR (envelope), 5 AMR (near particles) 6.7e-9 g/cc Same as Run 271
Ideal gas EOS (gamma=5/3) ? EOS RGB 1 Msun Not yet submitted -1 ~25% of remaining SUs? N/A 4 AMR (envelope), 5 AMR (near particles) 6.7e-9 g/cc Same as Run 271


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