
  • Allocation on Frontera ends on Dec. 31
  • Parallel HDF5 (currently only being used for post-processing)
    • Bug has been identified and debugging ongoing (Jonathan)

EOS Runs

  • Slices comparing density of tracers for original ionization state with density of gas with a given ionization state at time t
  • Trying to improve energy conservation — Goal is to get simulation up to >100 days (c.f.~Ohlmann+16: 125 days; Prust+Chang19: 240 days)
    • Do this by testing adding refinement in different ways:
      • One extra AMR level
      • Larger region for AMR level 4
      • Larger region for max AMR level
    • Do we work to implement the new algorithm that includes gas potential energy in the explicit energy conservation (though not particle-gas potential energy) or do we carry on with what we have?
  • Energy conservation normalized to initial energy of star, not including recombination energy: Figure
    • So continuing to 100-150 days and staying <10% should be possible, particularly if we reduce softening radius 2-3 times…
    • Currently running a test where the highest AMR level refinement region is enlarged…results very soon

Next steps

  • Production runs on Frontera?
  • Compute ambient unbound mass and subtract from total (as Amy has now done for jet runs)
  • Compute total recombination energy of each species (e.g. HII, HeIII) as a function of time
  • Compute total recombination energy of each species (e.g. HII, HeIII) as a function of time for bound and unbound mass separately
    • This will tell us whether recombination energy is being released into bound gas (where it can be "useful") vs. unbound gas (where it cannot), c.f. Fig. 1 of Paper II
  • Some version of Figs. 9 and 10 of Paper IV that includes recombination energy


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