
  • Allocation on Frontera ends on Dec. 31
  • Parallel HDF5 (currently only being used for post-processing)
    • Bug has been identified and debugging ongoing (Jonathan)

EOS Runs

  • Continued analysis of Run 271:
    • New PLOT of energy terms that includes recombination energy
    • Volume integrated mass and energy released for the products of the various ionic transitions, for 3 snapshots (t=0, 23 d and 46 d)
    • Same, but divided into gas that is unbound and gas that is bound (at time t)
    • This analysis so far only on IDL (plot to screen)

Next steps

  • Do the above analysis (volume integrated mass and released energy for each species) but now for all simulation frames of Run 271, using Python
  • Continue with production runs (Stampede2 and Frontera)
  • Compute ambient unbound mass and subtract from total (as Amy has now done for jet runs)


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