CE EOS Simulations


  • Allocation on Frontera ends on Dec. 31 — update?
  • Parallel HDF5 (currently only being used for post-processing)
    • Bug has been identified and debugging ongoing (Jonathan)

Energy conservation

  • Tested new poisson.f90 designed to explicitly conserve energy (though not yet including particles), as in Jiang+13.
    • Used low resolution CE run with periodic boundary conditions (so that flux of energy through boundaries does not change total energy in domain)
    • Found that energy conservation is worse than with the original poisson.f90, not better.
      • This means that there is a bug in the new poisson.f90 (could it be something obvious?)

EOS Runs

  • Computed volume integrated mass and released energy for Run 271, using Python, plotted, and made pdf file. Includes only 3 frames (frame 0, 100 and 200).

Runs for the paper

The plan is to compare 3 runs which are identical except for the EOS:

  • Run 277: MESA EOS (completed up to frame 170 and will go as far as energy conservation allows, maybe frame 300
  • Run 282: Ideal gas gamma=5/3 EOS (completed up to frame 33 and will go up to frame ~300).
  • Run 283: MESA EOS with recombination energy removed from EOS tables (not yet started, will go up to frame ~300)

We are also doing a high resolution run for a convergence study:

  • Run 276: MESA EOS with maxlevel increased by 1 (completed up to frame 47 and will go up to at least frame 65)

Next steps

  • Complete all runs and do basic analysis (separation vs time, energy conservation)
  • Redo unbound mass vs time plots to include only envelope gas (exclude ambient) — can wait for runs 277 and 282


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