
  • Frontera issues for running CE code resolved by Baowei
  • Stampede2 allocation is basically used up — now moving all runs to Frontera

Jet paper

  • Ready to submit I think

EOS paper

Status of runs

Note that the frame interval is about 0.2315 days

  • Run 277: MESA EOS (completed up to frame 264 or 61 days on Stampede2)
  • Run 282: Ideal gas gamma=5/3 EOS (completed up to frame 268 or 62 days on Stampede2)
  • Run 283: MESA EOS with recombination energy removed from EOS tables (completed up to frame 218 or 50 days on Frontera)
  • Run 276: MESA EOS with maxlevel increased by 1 compared to Run 277 (for convergence study — completed up to frame 47 or 11 days on Frontera)
  • Run 28?: MESA EOS with maxlevel reduced by 1 compared to Run 277 (for convergence study — not yet started on Frontera)
  • Run 271: MESA EOS with 7 times higher ambient (to explore role of ambient) (completed up to frame 235 or 54 days and will not extend)
  • Run 143 (fiducial run of past papers): Ideal gas gamma=5/3 EOS with 7 times higher ambient (to explore role of ambient) (completed up to frame 173 or 40 days and will not extend)

New analysis

Unbound mass

Unbound mass including envelope gas only (i.e. excluding ambient) for runs 277 (MESA EoS without radiation), 282 (gamma=5/3 ideal gas), 283 (MESA EoS without radiation or recombination energy)

  • These are basically the final graphs except that the runs are all still being extended in time

https://www.pas.rochester.edu/~lchamandy/EoS/Figures/EnvMass_282_283_277.png https://www.pas.rochester.edu/~lchamandy/EoS/Figures/EnvMass_282_283_277_half.png


Updated separation graph now including Run 283 https://www.pas.rochester.edu/~lchamandy/EoS/Figures/p_mult_282_283_277.png

Energy conservation

Updated energy conservation graph now including Run 283 https://www.pas.rochester.edu/~lchamandy/EoS/Figures/Energy_percent_change_new_282_283_277.png

Ionization and Recombination

Spatial dependence http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~lchamandy/CE_papers/EOS/eos_ion_277.pdf.

  • Now for Run 277 (instead of old Run 271 which had a 7 times higher ambient density, slightly lower resolution and poorer energy conservation)
  • Instead of worrying about transparency or truecolor plotting, I decided to make separate graphs for each ionic tracer
  • Note that both the tracers and the graphs showing the ionization state at time t plotting only the gas density of the ionization species which is highest at that location.
    • I checked and the regions of overlap are small (as expected given the exponential temperature dependence) but not completely negligible…it is just something that needs to be looked at a bit more carefully and mentioned in the text somewhere, but not a problem really. And I think unavoidable given the nature of tracers.

Analysis involving spatially integrated quantities http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~lchamandy/CE_papers/EOS/eos_ion_vol_integ_277.pdf.

  • This analysis, too, considers a given species only in the region where it dominates (but separately for H and He)
  • Results are consistent with those obtained for Run 271 but now I've done it for the full time resolution (1 data point per frame).

Next steps

  • Continue to extend Runs 277, 283 and 282 and also extend the existing analysis (but need to worry about energy conservation, mass leaving box, and available SUs)
  • Energy terms vs time and check whether energy supplied by recombination leads to corresponding increase in thermal energy, as already done in comparison between old EOS run 271 and old ideal gas run 143.
  • Explore overlapping ionization species regions to get a sense of how important they might be (< 10% difference?)
  • Make progress on paper write-up and organize a meeting for all involved
  • Calculate total angular momentum and check angular momentum conservation (a must I would say)


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