Paper Idea | Description | Simulations | Status | Comments
Drag Force II | Model drag force at late times | Runs 183, 263, 277, 282 | Sims completed | Sim 263 is like published AGB Run 183 but with particles of equal mass, to simplify modeling (Escala+2004)
Time-dependent energy formalism | Extend/generalize energy formalism using insight from simulations | Run 183, perhaps others as well | Stalled because initial evolution is hard to reconcile with the new formalism | Should be possible to get around this or just exclude early times
CE planet II | Extend C+21 model | Runs 259 (AGB+10MJup planet), 268 (AGB+0.08Msun, ideal gas), 269 (AGB+0.08Msun, MESA EOS) | Notes and presentations but no write-up yet | Simulations were not really successful, but Run 259 is first of its kind so worth presenting for its intrigue
Simulation | Type | Description | Development needed | Comments
Neutron star jet | New regimes/ Parameter space exploration | companion is a NS launching a powerful jet | Ideally would improve accretion/jet model (AstroBEAR already allows for this). | High velocity jet makes run expensive. Ideally would do one run with existing RGB primary and one with a massive primary.
Envelope ejection? | Improve numerics | Extend a simulation all the way to envelope ejection | Reduce ambient, expand box, increase resolution | Need to try running with a lower ambient energy density and compare to existing runs to see what we can get away with, need to look at energy conservation more carefully. Requires lots of computer time which we do not currently have.
Vary initial separation | Parameter space exploration/ New regimes | Compare sims with different initial separations, try to obtain RLOF phase | Unclear, perhaps not much | Expensive because of longer periods. Preliminary sims were done long ago: suggests that higher a_i leads to higher eccentricity during plunge-in. Existing work: Reichardt, De Marco, Iaconi, Tout & Price 2019
BD/planet companions | New regimes | Improve efforts to simulate RGB/AGB with BD/planet companion | Not much, perhaps | Expensive because of long orbital time. Only (modern) existing work: Kramer, Schneider, Ohlmann+ 2020
Include MHD | New physics | Include MHD in our best fiducial RGB run and see what happens | Setup should not be too complicated, but bugs are likely | Makes sense considering that our group has expertise in MHD. Only existing work: Ohlmann+2016b, Ondratschek, Roepke, Schneider+ 2021(preprint)
Include radiative transfer | New physics | Include flux-limited diffusion (already implemented into AstroBEAR) | Needs lots of testing and learning the theory, need to put in MESA opacity tables and figure out how to use them | Only existing work is a conference proceedings: Ricker+2019, the effect for our fiducial model is likely to be rather negligible. Realistic convection likely requires radiative transfer?
High mass regime (NS-NS merger progenitors) | New regimes | CE involving 8Msun primary and NS secondary | Will likely require higher resolution. | Larger range of scales so probably more challenging. May be expensive. One existing self-consistent global sim: Moreno+2022(preprint)
CEE involving two giant stars | New regimes | Binary pair is evolving to RGB at almost same time so get a CE involving envelopes of both stars | Should not require much | Would be expensive. No existing simulation? But see: Schneider+2019
Triple systems | New regimes | Introduce a second companion (multiple orbital configurations are possible) | Not much, probably | Triples may be quite important (according to S. Toonen). Limited number of existing simulations: Glanz+Perets 2021
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