New Work

  1. Did force plots for runs 149 (half m2), 151 (fourth m2), 132 (subgrid accretion).
  2. Found paper with analytic formula for drag force in presence of density gradient.
  3. Continued AGB run on stampede 2: problem with code.
  4. CM relative motion and energy plots for runs 149 & 151 (with Yisheng, ongoing).
  5. Hubble proposal.


Here are the updated notes on drag force which now include the same figures for the other runs: see notes, especially Fig. 9-12.

Here are the relevant papers with the analytic formula:


See en_fig_run164.pdf.

Hubble proposal

See ce.pdf.

Next steps

  1. Finish Hubble Theory proposal and submit by Friday.
  2. Analysis for drag force work.
    1. Plot new analytic formula that takes into account density gradient.
    2. New 2D slices/movie.
      1. Color as force/volume and contours as density (before I plotted the reverse).
      2. Subtract out axisymmetric contribution to force/volume at each radius (radius measured from particle 2? particle 1?).
      3. Put force and velocity vectors on particle 2 in VisIt.
      4. Do all the same graphs for runs 149, 151 and 132.
  3. AGB simulation.
    1. Fix bug that is slowing down code and eventually making it crash.
    2. Continue to plot a(t) and 2D slices showing bound/unbound gas.
  4. Runs 149, 151 figures as in Paper II with Yisheng.
  5. Posters for Baltimore conference.


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