New Work
- 2D movies for force paper for fiducial run 143 (q=0.5), using de-resolved data.
- 1D plots for force paper for runs 143 (q=0.5), 149 (q=0.25) and run 151 (q=0.125), using original data (not de-resolved data).
- Redoing force post-processing using reservation on bluehive (pp seems to be more stable with a reservation, but results should hardly change, if at all).
- Deleted most of AGB run from bluehive, keeping only 1/5 of frames, to save space (the other frames are still available for now on stampede scratch, but I may move them to backup drive).
- Analysis: begun comparison with Macleod+17b
Force Paper
New notes with 1D plots
all movies are in the corotating (with the particle orbit) reference frame of particle 2, and particle 2 is at center of the frame, while particle 1 is situated on the
Particularly interesting movies are highlighted in bold font
Force per unit volume between particle 2 and gas along phi-direction (magnitude), with contours also showing the same quantity plotted in color with contour values equal to values labeled on the color bar, and with vectors on particle 2 showing velocity of particle 2 relative to particle 1, and on particles 1 and 2 showing net force on each particle exerted by the gas , slice through orbital plane (view size ):
Force per unit volume along phi direction
Force per unit volume between particle 2 and gas along direction of particle 2 velocity relative to particle 1 (magnitude), with contours also showing the same quantity plotted in color with contour values equal to values labeled on the color bar, and with vectors on particle 2 showing velocity of particle 2 relative to particle 1, and on particles 1 and 2 showing net force on each particle exerted by the gas, slice through orbital plane (view size
Force per unit volume along velocity wrt particle 1
Force per unit volume between particle 2 and gas along phi-direction (magnitude), with contours also showing the same quantity plotted in color with contour values equal to values labeled on the color bar, and with vectors on particle 2 showing velocity of particle 2 relative to particle 1, and on particles 1 and 2 showing net force on each particle exerted by the gas , slice through orbital plane (view size
Force per unit volume along phi direction
Force per unit volume between particle 2 and gas along direction of particle 2 velocity relative to particle 1 (magnitude), with vectors on particle 2 showing velocity of particle 2 relative to particle 1, and on particles 1 and 2 showing net force on each particle exerted by the gas, slice through orbital plane (view size
Force per unit volume along velocity wrt particle 1
Density, slice through orbital plane, with velocity vectors (view size
Density normalized to
Normalized density, slice through orbital plane
Density normalized to
Normalized density, perpendicular to orbital plane
Mach number, in frame of particle 2 corotating with particle orbit, slice through orbital plane (view size
Mach number, slice through orbital plane.
Mach number, in frame of particle 2 corotating with particle orbit, perpendicular to orbital plane (view from particle 1) (view size
Mach number, perpendicular to orbital plane.
Phi-component of velocity about particle 1, slice through orbital plane, in the frame corotating with the particle 1-particle 2 orbit, with vectors showing the same quantity. Units are km/s. In this movie, particle 1 is to the LEFT of center (view size Phi-component of velocity about particle 1, in frame corotating with particle 2
).Phi-component of velocity about particle 1, slice perpendicular to orbital plane (view from particle 1), in the frame corotating with the particle 1-particle 2 orbit, with vectors showing the same quantity. Units are km/s (view size Phi-component of velocity about particle 1, in frame corotating with particle 2
).Phi-component of velocity about particle 1, slice through orbital plane, in the frame corotating with the particle 1-particle 2 orbit, with vectors showing the same quantity, now NORMALIZED to the velocity Normalized phi-component of velocity about particle 1, in frame corotating with particle 2
computed using the initial RGB profile. Note the changing colorbar and zoom level.Next steps
- Understanding 1D plots in terms of 2D movies (in progress, for discussion at meeting)
- Comparison with MacLeod+17b (in progress, for discussion at meeting)
- Comparison with Rheichardt+19 (in progress, for discussion at meeting)
- Comparison with Ricker+Taam12 (in progress, for discussion at meeting)
- Understand better the BHL theory/Dodd+McCrea theory and adjust analytic formulae if necessary, also estimate factor.
- Redo movies using full resolution data (after deciding which ones are most important)
- Movies for runs 149 and 151
- Post-processing of simulations to extract forces: I'm re-doing it with a reservation on bluehive to ensure that the results are correct as there had been some issues when I had done this the first time without a reservation (in progress)
- Movies and analysis for run 132 (subgrid accretion run) (partly complete)
- Calculate force from loss of angular momentum
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