AGB paper

The current version of the AGB paper (with latest changes in red)

  1. Corrected paper

Some notes to illustrate the reason for the changes

  1. Notes on potential energy and potential energy density

RLOF and CE sims in general

Textbook chapter on the two-body problem showing that eccentricity can be computed from total energy and angular momentum

  1. Notes on two-body problem including formula for eccentricity

These notes can be found at
I got the idea from this preprint, which is of interest: Kuruwita, Federrath & Haugbolle 2020

Energy conservation in the code

Some notes (now wrong I realize because Eq. 1 is wrong!) which prompted me to correct the ½ factor — extending energy conservation routine to include particles should be trivial

  1. Notes on algorithm that conserves energy

Relevant paper (just putting it here for easy access)

  1. Jiang+2013


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