New Work

  1. Revision of paper
  2. Progress on energy project with Yisheng, Eric
  3. Progress on recombination/dust project with Amy
  4. Movies of simulations from paper 1

Some new notes on energy in CE simulations

notes on energy and envelope ejection in common envelope simulations

Movies corresponding to figures in paper

All movies are in the reference frame corotating about the secondary with the instantaneous orbital angular speed of the particles, and with the secondary at the center.

Figure 1:
Face-on density (Model A no subgrid accretion)

Figure 2:
Face-on density (Model B Krumholz accretion)

Figure 4:
Edge-on density (Model A no subgrid accretion)

Edge-on density (Model B Krumholz accretion)

Edge-on density (zoomed in) (Model A no subgrid accretion)

Edge-on density (zoomed in) (Model B Krumholz accretion)

Figure 6:
Tangential velocity with velocity vectors (Model A no subgrid accretion)

Tangential velocity with velocity vectors (Model B Krumholz accretion)

Extra Movies

Temperature (Model A no subgrid accretion)

Temperature (Model B Krumholz accretion)

Sound speed (Model A no subgrid accretion)

Sound speed (Model B Krumholz accretion)

Mach, lab frame (Model A no subgrid accretion)

Mach, lab frame (Model B Krumholz accretion)

Mach, frame corotating about secondary (Model A no subgrid accretion)

Mach, frame corotating about secondary (Model B Krumholz accretion)

Side-by-side comparison of Models A (left) and B (right) from Paper 1

Face-on density
Edge-on density
Edge-on density, zoomed
Tangential velocity
Sound speed
Mach in lab frame
Mach in frame corotating about secondary

Next steps

  • Submit revision?
  • Testing Jonathan's new conservative jet prescription
  • Explore jet parameter space with Bondi accretion flow
  • Set up jet for CE simulation
  • Restart CE simulation with imposed jet


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