New Work

  1. Advanced Run 177 (AGB run with increased resolution at AMR level 5 around particle 1 compared to the old AGB run, Run 164) and found that after the first periastron passage, the rate of energy increase becomes dramatically higher (going from 10% to 60% of that of Run 164)
  2. The cause of this is likely that the resolution around particle 2 is not high enough to resolve the accreted mass around particle 2. Therefore, I have submitted two new runs which put the same extra resolution around particle 2 as well (each run has a different restart time, both restart times are before first periastron passage). I've also submitted a third run which does NOT change the center of the AMR level 3 spherical refinement zone from particle 1 to the particle CM just after periastron passage, to make sure that this was not the cause of the sudden increase in the rate of energy gain in Run 177. Waiting for Stampede queue.
  3. I read this paper and discussed with Jonathan. It gives a way to conserve energy explicitly including potential energy from self-gravity. We think that we could take it a step further and include the PE due to particle-gas interaction as well. This should not be too hard to implement.

Updated Notes

Notes on AGB high resolution run 177, comparison with low resolution run 164.


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