New Work

  • Advanced Run 183 (restarted at frame 194 = 44.9 days of Run 177 now with extra refinement around particle 2)
  • With JC coded in new routines that conserve total gas energy including PE due to self-gravity but not including particles. These new routines have not yet been tested.


  • Rate of energy gain after first periastron passage is much smaller in Run 183 compared to 177, as expected.


Notes on AGB high resolution run 183.

Next steps

  • Continue Run 183
  • Plot results from Run 185 (convergence test)
  • Further modify new energy conserving routines to take into account particle-gas and particle-particle energy terms
  • Further automate and improve simulation:
    • predefine refinement radius as a function of time (should vary smoothly rather than in sudden steps)
    • center of refinement region should transition smoothly in time from particle 1 to particle CM (instead of suddenly)
    • experiment with using true AMR, e.g. refine on density or pressure gradients within refinement shape


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