1. Velocity Log Spectrum
  • Attached are an old plot from last semester with low resolution, and a new one with GmX = (640, 64, 64) resolution.
  • My intuition is that the curve should smooth out when resolution is higher but the pattern is not quite obvious.
  • Another curiosity is why the curve for Spectra_00100 is smoother than Spectra_00200. Is it because as time progresses, the data has more details thus more bumps?

No image "velocity gmx160" attached to Blog: 20160208

No image "velocity gmx640" attached to Blog: 20160208

  1. Histogram of density
  • Still working on this. There is a segmentation fault in the code after I added the histogram function, and Baowei is helping me debugging it. Error message shows as :

forrtl: severe (408): fort: (2): Subscript #1 of the array Q has value 6 which is greater than the upper bound of 5

  • I also adjusted "spectra.f90" in astrobear/src/processing, below is the code:


DO i=layout%mB(MPI_ID,1,1), layout%MB(MPI_ID,1,2)

x=(REAL(i,KIND=qPREC)-origin(1))/radius(1) DO j=layout%MB(MPI_ID,2,1), layout%MB(MPI_ID,2,2)

y=(REAL(j,KIND=qPREC)-origin(2))/radius(2) DO k=layout%MB(MPI_ID,3,1), layout%MB(MPI_ID,3,2)

z=(REAL(k,KIND=qPREC)-origin(3))/radius(3) r=x IF (r > 1d0) THEN




END IF data(i,j,k,:)=data(i,j,k,:)*weight

! Spectra%WindowFunction=COSINE_WINDOW


  1. A general inquiry for Jonathan:

If I want to divide the whole space into three sections to study the spectrum in each one, which part of the code should I adjust, is it line 296 in "spectra.f90" (r=x) again?

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1. Erica Kaminski -- 9 years ago

Hey Likun, Your trac code for embedding the image should be something like,

No image "filename.png" attached to Blog: 20160208.. the space in your filename may or may not give you problems.

To adjust the spectra box size, you would edit your problem.f90 file, in particular the call the create the spectra object. In that call you have as input the spectral region. You can email me if you need any more help with this!

As far as histograms, you can make them in Visit too using the chombo files. I would do that instead of using astrobear if you are getting hung up with the code… It may be an easier work around given it has as GUI.