Update (05-04-2015)

A quick update. Expect more later.

  • Colliding Flows: Edit 3 plots for their final version. Redid the inverse beta maps and b vs. n plots, however I will have to quickly revisit the B vs. n plots.
  • Turbulence Simulations: Jonathan sent me a new problem module that utilizes a "fractal" mesh. I am going to begin to set up production runs and make the code.

-Jonathan tells me to keep an eye on cpu time for the MHD run in particular in case we need to scale down resolution. I think I am going to make a page, comparable to the one Erica made for the Colliding Flows, that tracks the statistics for each restart.

-I am assuming I will have to start running these on and XSEDE machine now. Going to test Jonathan's new problem module on BH2 first. Then work with Baowei to get code made on Stampede.

-I plan to update the page I have made of the 2D runs after I finish setting this up.

  • Shape: Adam e-mailed Martin. Before I meet with Martin I am going to write a blogpost detailing my questions. Bruce also let me know he has generated some models of stellar outflows on alfalfa. Once I figure out things with Martin I'll have a go at that. Will have to regrid frames we prefer so they are accessible to Shape.


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