Weekly Update (05-11-2015) -- Marissa

Wire Simulations

  • Thanks to Baowei we got the code to make on Stampede. Submitting jobs there now for the run directories Jonathan forwarded to me.
  • Made a stampede statistics page so we can pay attention to our resources.
  • Writing up a study on the cpu usage needed for these, can find it there soon. Going to also do a write up on what is different about the production runs on the studies page too.


  • Met with Martin on Friday. Showed him what I've been doing. I forwarded him the data I've been using. He downloaded Shape and is going to play with it himself. We plan to meet again tomorrow.
  • Martin says that in the past the software usually gets rid of the mesh when your data has been properly imported into Shape. This means there might be something weird with how I am importing it, or visualizing it in the 3d module.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the .dat file to see how many lines there are. One can set this to the lines per entry..
  • Find the max and minimum position values for the whole data set, take the average of these and use it for the "center."


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