Why no sinks?!

Consider this image that Erica posted on her Low Rest MHD Shear Flows page. Note how the Beta 1, Shear 60 simulation becomes the most density at its semi-major axes before any of the other sets.


The other two Beta 1 cases (shear 15 and 30) see sinks occur beginning at around 16.5 and 17.17 Myr respectively, however the shear 60 case does not see sinks occur at all. My question is why don't we see sinks forming at those two regions?

Sinks Form (~Myr)~Min~Max
B1S15 16.5 293168
B1S3017.1729.54 5053

As you can see by the picture above, by the end of the simulation the maximum is above 6000, and the minimum is ~24. The maximum is in the ball park for sinks to potentially form, however the minimum is not. Around 17Myr, the minimum is at ~28, and the max is at ~3000.

  • Perhaps the density we observe here is physical. Maybe elongating the time on this simulation might result in sinks popping up. Perhaps it just takes them longer to form with a higher shear angle?
  • Perhaps the density we observe is not actually physical, but a result of the nature of the .bov. Given the higher shear angle, the more elliptical the projection, and more area for the projection to pick up on at the semi-major axes. This might just be a area density the .bov is picking up on.

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