Meeting Update 07/28

Now in full control of Erica's CollidingFlows data on Bluestreak. Completed first reservation (5 days) today. Can see our progress here (CFRunStatsHighRes).

  • E-mailed Carl about the soonest I can get another reservation (4-7 days on BS). (Update 14:47: Got our reservation extended to next Monday at 8am).
  • Erica is working on what is necessary to get us up on Stampede.


  • scp-ing files from BS to /grassdata/madams/.
  • Post-processing on Bamboo.
  • Running B10S30 on our extended reservation on BS at 512 nodes for 48 hours (07-28-2014 14:49).
  • Submitted B10S60 to the standard queue on BS at 128 nodes for 24 hours… pending, but we'll see what happens.

Some highlights from CFRunStatsHighRes Page:

Beta Shear Machine, Path Frames Completed / Left Filling Fracs Walltime Taken / Left (1-2) Info, (3) Message allocations Framerate (hrs/frame), No. cores Notes
1 60 BS, /scratch/madams15/CollidingFlows/Beta1/Shear60/Restart/ 122/200 0.106 0.559 0.631 0.321 0.467 16.8days/0days 282.5 gb, 197.6 mb, 64.0 mb ~5hr/frame, 2048 cores Reservation. Stayed with 128 nodes. Started with 48 hours left on reservation.
10 15 BS, /scratch/madams15/CollidingFlows/Beta10/Shear15/Restart 139/200 0.386 0.698 0.616 0.496 0.468 22.1days/0days 422.4 gb, 296.5 mb, 64.0 mb 7hr/frame, 2048 cores Reservation. Restarted with 128 nodes on 07/26.
10 30 BS, /scratch/madams15/CollidingFlows/Beta10/Shear30 128/200 0.136 0.587 0.601 0.465 0.418 1.2mo/0days 377.0 gb, 252.4 mb, 64.0 mb 9hr/frame, 2048 cores Reservation. Started Jul 24 08:46, cancelled to test other runs, started again at Jul 26 16:41.
10 60 BS, /scratch/madams15/CollidingFlows/Beta10/Shear60/Restart/ 151/200 0.180 0.547 0.544 0.318 0.269 6.7days/0days 305.3 gb, 211.8 mb, 64.0 mb ~4hr/frame, 2048 cores Reservation.

Going Forward:

No. Nodes Case frames/hr frames/day Chombos Left Days to Complete Weeks to Complete
128 B1S60 0.2 4.8 78 16 2.29
B10S15 0.143 3.5 61 17 2.43
B10S30 0.111 2.67 72 27 3.9
B10S60 0.25 6 49 8 1.14

No. Nodes Case frames/hr frames/day Chombos Left Days to Complete Weeks to Complete
256 B1S60 0.4 9.6 78 8.1 1.16
B10S15 0.29 6.96 61 8.7 1.24
B10S30 0.22 5.28 72 13 1.86
B10S60 0.5 12 49 4 0.57

No. Nodes Case frames/hr frames/day Chombos Left Days to Complete Weeks to Complete
512 B1S60 0.8 19.2 78 4 0.57
B10S15 0.57 13.68 61 4.5 0.643
B10S30 0.44 10.56 72 7 1
B10S60 1 24 49 2 0.29
  • Depending on how quickly we can get onto Stampede, I am estimating that we'll be done with these in 2 weeks if we do this most efficiently.


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