Meeting Update 09/22/2014

Last week was spent attempting to construct a quick dirty table of the high res colliding flows runs… however I ran into a plethora of issues regarding visit on BH2. Using x2go is fine and works well. Apparently my account is unable to use public key authentication to use some particular nodes. Talk with Jonathan and this is getting sorted with CIRC.

Visualizing from my own computer while ssh-ing into a local machine painstaking. It takes half a day just to get a movie of a .bov. So now I am working on Erica's computer and it is going quite swimmingly. Also have these simulations with sink particles. There are still some issues regarding particular files, however, that are putting a damper on getting the data out there.

As I've tried to go about visualizing the runs, noticed some issues with the files other than data endians. A few are missing or have gotten lost/deleted during our move around.

Last week I accomplished the following:

  • Using sed I changed the data endians and variable names.
  • Wrote a script to change the name of the files so they are all the same and we can efficiently access them with the "smart" grouping in visit. Did this for both BS and local sets of the data.
  • Finished the NoShear data set (now we have all hist and pdfs — transferred between local and BS).
  • Cherry picking sections of missing data or areas where visit doesn't like the files. Still working on this actually…


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