cpu hrs for CF runs on Stampede

Running the CollidingFlows problem out from frame 200 to 400 to double the time and see if we can observe any more sink formation. Given that this run is really computationally intensive, I've done a quick calculation for cpu hrs based on some current runs I am doing on Stampede. All runs are in the normal queue for 24 hrs on 2048 cores. The table below provides the current frame number at which I collected this data. We can see that the average time for our code to spit out a frame is (underscores correspond to the run):

Given that we have 1,440 minutes in a day, implying that we'd spit out the following frames per day:

Considering that the difference between the current frame and the last frame (400) for beta10 shear 0, 15, 30 and 60 respectively are 179, 182, 159, and 136, we're looking at running these out for approximately 5-6 days on 2048 cores. Specifically for b10s0: 5.5 days, b10s15: 5.8 days, b10s30: 5.2 days, and b10s60: 3 days. Using this number of days, that there are 24 hours in a day and we'd run these on 2048 cores, this puts us at a total of: 957,973 cpu hrs. THAT IS INSANE.

After a quick discussion with Erica and Baowei I've come up with the following short term plan: Once these jobs stop later today, I'll submit 1 job to the normal queue on 1,000 cores. For this run I'll make the same calculation and see if it is more economical when multiplied by 4. Baowei has also suggested to throw runs on Gordon, another machine owned by the Texans. We have a lot of SUs there, so he is currently setting me up. We currently only have 1,551,296 SUs available on Stampede — so running our jobs for this problem there could be quite precarious.

Run (Current Frame) Hours Sampled Time (mins) Avg. time (mins)
b10s0 (221) 16:07 - 16:55 48
02:58 - 03:38 40
07:13 - 07:58 45
b10s15 (218) 18:03 - 18:48 45
02:19 - 03:03 44
11:05 - 11:54 49
b10s30 (241) 17:57 - 18:40 43
00:26 - 01:23 57
07:03 - 07:44 41
b10s60 (264) 17:40 - 18:07 27
00:04 - 00:38 34
07:43 - 08:18 35

Table. Each run with current frame for which the hours were sampled and averaged to do the brief calculations above.


1. Baowei Liu -- 10 years ago

Gordon is in UCSD. Based on my short experience on Gordon, the queuing time there may be a little longer than Stampede.