17 Jan 2012 update

The AAS meeting went quite well. I've got positive feedback about my talk (http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~martinhe/austin.pdf) and chatted with most of the gang in the PN paper and with Dongsu Ryu (who invited me to give a talk in South Korea). Everyone sent greetings to Adam.

I've sent the abstract and registered for the HEDLA meeting. Adam, Eric and I should meet soon so discuss the new tower runs.

The four CRL618 runs have finished. Bin (see her post) is making movies. Do we want synthetic emission and PV diagrams of these runs?

I'm updating the PN paper. The new version will be submitted to MNRAS. I'm almost done. I should have it ready for Adam's and Eric's revision by Wednesday morning.

I'm writing the very last part of the magnetic tower paper. This is section 3.3, Energy fluxes, where we compare our calculations of the Poynting to kinetic energy ratio with those of of other flows, as requested by Pat. BTW, see http://arxiv.org/abs/1201.2681


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