Martin's update, 27 mar '12

I'll post images soon.

I'll submit the magnetic tower paper to ApJ and arxiv this Friday.


  • The 40AU run with the parameters discussed last Friday is running. It's now at its early phase and seems to be doing well.
I'm working on plots of mean angular momentum vs time. I've used the data from the simulation that showed a tilt of 90deg (see last week's post). I've only had time for a quick inspection. The facts that jz is negative (because particles orbit clockwise) and larger (about 300 times) than the other ang. mom. components, are expected. Trying to understand the gradients in plots and the relative values of the momenta.

AGN jet truncation by stellar winds. The 1st test of Model 2 is still running. It's a little more than half way though. The RG's wind looks square-ish because of (i) the decreasing radial resolution of this test (see This will be fixed for production runs) (ii) the very high density contrast with the ambient medium. The stellar wind's momentum in this case is rather strong and able to truncate the very light AGN jet, despite the fact that the latter is about 700 times faster. I plan to start running Model 3, milder stellar wind, by weeks end or early next week.

PN wind. I'm working on the referee's suggestions. Have not finished yet. See progress in Figures 2, e.g., 3, 4 and 5, as well as the new section 4.2 in Plan to send it to Adam, Eric and Raghvendra soon.

CRL618. The jet version of the runs with a toroidal AGB and higher densities, with and without ambient rings, are running. Should finish by week end.

Quick look


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