Disk formation in binaries using a co-rotating frame

The simulations in this blog are based on these ideas:



8May '12

  • 30AU, rBondi=6, velw=10km/s, tw=1000K, with 96x96x144 + 2amr res, 4hrs, 40 afrank procs, bhive


27 Apr '12

  • 40AU, tw=3000K, with 1683 + 4amr res is running at ranger's long (1024p, 2days) queue.
  • 10AU, tw=3000K, with 112x144x160 + 3amr res. No disk formed after .21 orbits.
Orbital plane Longitudinal plane
http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~martinhe/2011/binary/corot-10au-sol2-3000K-3amr.png http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~martinhe/2011/binary/corot-10au-sol2-3000K-3amr-long.png

26 Apr '12

  • 10AU, tw=3000K, with ~643 + 2amr. No disk formed after 2 orbits (16hrs, 256 ranger procs). Trying 2 times more res.
  • 40AU, tw=3000K, with ~1283 + 2amr. No disk formed after .44 orbits (1day 256 ranger procs). Images show a zoom in to the particle.
Orbital plane Longitudinal plane
http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~martinhe/2011/binary/40au-sol2-3000K-2amr-chombo146.png http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~martinhe/2011/binary/40au-sol2-3000K-2amr-chombo146B.png

Though I was expecting differences between the and cases, I'm surprised that they are SO different. This is inconsistent with http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2000MNRAS.316..906M. One has to be careful though for their parameters are in general different than ours.

24 Apr '12. Research meeting. To try:

  • 10AU and 40AU low res and twind=3000K, instead of 300K. Tests ran
  • 40AU, twind=300K, ideal gas solver, . short test ran
  • Jonathan's latest thread implementation on the global (2 particle) sims.

23 Apr '12

  • separation = 40AU
  • mprim= 1.5 Mo
  • msec = 1 Mo
  • tempw = 300 K
  • densw = 1.5x1011 gr/cc
  • vw = 15 km/s = 15 Mach
  • vorbit-sec = 4.5 km/s
  • rBondi = Gmsec/ ( vw2 + vorbit-sec2 )= 3.6 AU
  • rsoft = 4 cells
  • rBondi/rsoft = 19.3
  • rorbit/rBondi = 6.62

A) low res=56x72x80 + 3 particle Ref. .43 orbits / 26 hrs with ~ 32 afrank nodes in bhive. Running.


Tilt?. At some point during this simulation I see a rather brief (lasting for ~ 0.005 orbits) tilted disk-like structure similar to the ones I saw in the global (2 particles) sims (https://clover.pas.rochester.edu/trac/astrobear/blog/binaryBondi, top table). http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~martinhe/2011/binary/question0000.png

B) high res= 56x72x80 + 5 particle Ref. .05 orbits / 20 hrs with 256 ranger procs. Running. Note the images below show gas at a point at which the mass of the secondary is increasing to reach its final 1Mo value. This was dome for numerical stabilization and, given that we want to run the sim for several orbits, it should not affect the formation/evolution of the disk.

http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~martinhe/2011/binary/corot-40au-sol2b1.png http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~martinhe/2011/binary/corot-40au-sol2b2.png http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~martinhe/2011/binary/corot-40au-sol2b3.png http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~martinhe/2011/binary/corot-40au-sol2b4.png http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~martinhe/2011/binary/corot-40au-sol2b5.png http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~martinhe/2011/binary/corot-40au-sol2b6.png
http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~martinhe/2011/binary/corot-40au-sol2b7.png http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~martinhe/2011/binary/corot-40au-sol2b8.png
Gas momenta. I'm using this plot trying to understand why gas is not going about the seconday as expected. http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~martinhe/2011/binary/idea1.png

20 Apr '12

We've determined that Jonathan's module template does not have a frame/secondary which follow a circular orbit and has extreme parameters. Presumably, a disk is formed in such setup, with a separation as large as 350AU, because the unstable orbit is subject to a lot shear from the flow which might make rotation about the secondary easier.

The 1st, intermediate-res test with the full wind solution (wind+secondary's gravity) has completed for

  • separation = 10AU
  • mprim= 1.5 Mo
  • msec = 1 Mo
  • tempw = 300 K
  • densw = 1.5x1011 gr/cc
  • vw = 15 km/s = 15 Mach
  • vorbit-sec = 8.9 km/s
  • rBondi = Gmsec/vw2 = 4 AU
  • rsoft = 4 cells
  • rBondi/rsoft = 21
  • rorbit/rBondi = 1.52
  • running time ~ 1 orbit/11hrs (16afrank, bhive nodes)


Higher res test running now. Note that we've not used this (new) wind solution for the 40AU case.

19 Apr '12 Trying to understand why Jonathan's setup+ forms a disk while mine (below) doesn't. Here's a parameter comparison.

Jonathan Martin
mprim [Mo] 1.1 1.5
msec [Mo] .19 1
separation [AU] 350 40
tempw [K] 0.01 300
densw [part cm-3] 1a 1.5x1011
vwb [km/s] .9 15
vorbit-sec [km/s] .54c 4.5
rBondi [AU] 200 4
rsoft [cells] 4 4




c .

The combined mass and the separation in the run of the left column seem extreme.

16 Apr '12

Same parameters as the run below, but a slightly larger grid and 3 spatially fixed refinement (particle) levels, http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~martinhe/2011/binary/corot1.gif.

  • Discussion and further analysis needed.
  • I do not see a disk forming. Will try with 2 more refinements in order to have ~ 40cells/rBondi.
  • The flow shows some strange pulsations not related to protections.
  • The accretion tail is not a collimated one, like that in the low res run (below), and it broadens up.

6 Apr '12

I've got Jonathan's new co-rotating frame setup+,++ running for a binary system with the parameters below which are representative of my previous lab frame binary runs (see the table below):

  • Tempwind=300K
  • AGB mass-loss = 10-5 Mo yr-1
  • velwind=9 km/s (as in Mastrodemos & Morris)
  • velwind/vel_orbitsec = 2.01
  • a=40AU
  • circular orbit
  • q=mpri/msec=1.5
  • rsoft=4 cells
  • 64x64x128 cells, fixed+++
  • grid: 40x40x80 AU.
  • trun~.5 orbit/hr in 16 debug bluehive procs
  • dxco-rotating ~ 13 dxlab frame
Log(dens) and vel field movie. Pole-on (left) edge-on (right). The green diagonal line in the left panel show the direction of the plane corresponding to the right panel. A disk forms. The tail formed by accretion eventually gets inflow from -Y. The tail is bent then. The edge-on panel shows asymmetries. We are unresolved with respect to the global (lab frame) simulations to fairly compare/conclude anything about disk tilting at this point.
Here's a second try at this sim but with a larger grid. This last sim will run, any time now, at bhive with 512procs and 1283+3amr.


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