CND with outflow - Marvin

The following animations show simulations with outflow object, but without magnetic field. The outflow has a radius of 0.8 pc, a velocity of 700 km/s and a density of 100 cm-3. I calculated the evolution for 5e4 years (my previous simulations were 1e6 years). As initial conditions I used data from one of my previous simulations, so we don't have to wait for the disk to relax from its initial conditions. I increased the resolution of the disk from level 2 to level 4 (now we have a resolution of 0.04 pc), so the disk still has to adjust to the new resolution. The first animation shows the edge-on view of the disk's density, I show only the inner 4 pc. Due to the increased resolution the disk becomes thinner, furthermore we see a "bow shock" that is situated at the inner rim of the accretion disk. The second animation shows the corresponding face-on view, like in the 2D simulation that I showed last week clumps are produced, but the density contrast is about a factor of 2 and thus much lower than in the 2D simulation (there the density contrast was 3 orders of magnitude).

Animation of the inner disk with central outflow - edge-on

Animation of the inner disk with central outflow - face-on

Disk with central outflow - edge-on:

Disk with central outflow - face-on:

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