Interaction between outflow object and magnetic field - Marvin

I show here a simulation of the CND with central outflow object and with an initial vertical magnetic field of 0.1 milligauss. Initially I remove the magnetic field from a cylindrical region around the center.

The following animation shows the face-on view of the inverse beta-parameter with streamlines of the magnetic field lines in black. The small light blue circle indicates the outflow object, the large light blue circle the initial inner rim of the accretion disk. At first the area that is occupied by the outflow object stays field free, but after some time a magnetic field develops (or moves inwards). How is this possible? The magnetic field is frozen into the gas, so it should never be possible for the field to enter the outflow object. Unfortunately I don't have data about the divergence of the magnetic field, so I can not yet tell if the magnetic field moves there or is created there.

Animation of the inverse beta parameter, inner 4 pc of the disk

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