Interaction between outflow object and magnetic field - Marvin

I show here a simulation of the CND with central outflow object and with an initial toroidal magnetic field of 0.1 milligauss and plot the face-on inverse beta-parameter in the first animation and the edge-on inverse beta-parameter in the second animation. The inner black circle marks the outflow object, the outer black circle marks the initial inner rim of the accretion disk.

As we have seen in last weeks simulations, after some time a magnetic field develops in the outflow object, although this shouldn't be possible. The beams that we see in the edge-on view after some time are probably created because the magnetic field that apperas inside the outflow object is carried outwards by the outflow.

The last animation shows the face-on divergence, it is always below 10-15 Gauss/parsec. So there are no magnetic field sources, maybe the magnetic field is transported into the outflow object.

Animation of the inverse beta parameter, face on

Animation of the inverse beta parameter, edge on

Animation of the divergence in Gauss/parsec, face on

Inverse beta parameter, edge-on:

Divergence in Gauss/parsec, face-on:

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