Error in CND-Simulation & Quasiperiodic Boundary Conditions

Eddie and I worked on finding the error that causes my code-crashes, he found a memory leak in the outflow module, but unfortunately that didn't solve the problem. I was able to install valgrind on one of the clusters that I am using, and found out that the code often tries to use an outfow object that has recently been free'd by the routine SinkParticleRestore (see more details in the ticket 324). So I will now focus my attention on this routine and I am open to suggestions and clues leading to the capture of the culprit.

Furthermore I worked on the quasiperiodic boundary conditions, I already finished parallelisation. I am now working on the MHD-part (see ticket 317), I created a module with a disk and a torodial magnetic field as a test case. Here you can see the movie. The results show on the left side a simulation with QPBC and on the right side a simulation of the full disk (but I only show one quarter here). The arrows show the direction of the magnetic field and the color code the magnetic energy density. In the QPBC simulation the field energy gets concentrated at the center and a kind of striped pattern appears at the lower boundary. I think there is still something going wrong, maybe its the EMF-Synchronisation.


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