Vertical Magnetic Fields in the CND - Marvin

I simulated the CND with a purely vertical initial magnetic field with a field strength of 0.01 mG. The first animation shows a face-on view of the disks magnetic energy density with streamlines and shows that the vertical field is converted quickly into a torodial field. In the corresponding animation of the edge-on view we see that the vertical Field completely vanishes after a short period of time. The third animation shows the magnetic streamlines within a quarter of the disk: The initially vertical field gets dragged around and transforms into a torodial field.

Interestingly the late stage of these simulations resembles the simulations that I posted last week, although they start with a completely different initial field configuration. Even the magnetic energy density inside the disk reaches values of approx 10-6 G2 (corresponding to the observed values) although the simulation starts with a uniform energy density of 10-10 G2.

Animation of face-on view of the magn. energy density

Animation of edge-on view of the magn. energy density

Animation of the magnetic stream lines in a quarter of the disk

Magnetic Fields (face-on):

Magnetic Fields (edge-on):

Magnetic Streamlines in one quarter of the disk:

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