2.5D spherically symmetrical outflow

I ran the isotropic wind simulation in 2.5D for lambda = 5.3, 2*Jupiter-mass planet and t = 250 days.

*The density profile agrees well with the curves given in S&P for the symmetric case.

  • At r = 4R, S&P shows that the density drops to ~0.01 of the initial value. The simulation gives 0.03

*At r~2R, S&P shows ~0.1 of initial rho. The simulation gives 0.10

*The velocity profile shows a transition from subsonic to supersonic flow at higher distances. The only difference is that my simulation gives a sonic surface much closer to the planet as compared to S&P result. They see one at r = 2R. I got one at approximately r = 1.2.

Movie here. http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~mehr/wikistuff/2.gif

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