Problem Submission Script

I created a problem submission script based in part on the old buildtests.s script. I have debugged it enough to the point where it seems usable, please let me know if there are any issues with it.

The script is called buildproblem and is located at /home/noyesma/buildproblem on grass.


  1. The astrobear code has been checked out to some location
  2. The module directory exists and contains properly formatted *.data files.
  3. A[hostname] file exists in the root code directory with [hostname] being the name of the machine being compiled for


  1. Compiles AstroBEAR based on the machine being run on
  2. Populates TABLES and out directories
  3. Copies and runs astrobear to the run directory (currently the run directory is the module directory)
  4. Outputs run log to a (date).log file


buildproblem [-d code_dir] [-m module] [-np processors] [-t]
buildproblem -d /grassdata/noyesma/astrobear -m RTInstability -np 2
cd /grassdata/noyesma/astrobear
buildproblem -t -np 8
Command line Argument Description Default Value
-d Code Root Directory Current Directory
-m Module to Compile None; will prompt if not provided
-np Number of Processors to Run On 0 (i.e. will not run astrobear. Provide a value > 0 to run astrobear)
-t Specifies testing mode. Will compile all well-formed modules in the code/modules/tests directory Off
-u Upload to clover:/data Off

Tips and Tricks

1) Running

buildproblem [arguments] &> /dev/null &

will compile and run astrobear in the background and pipe all non-error output to null.


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