Initial Runs with unequal flows and realistic cooling

The first run here is a reference case with equal flows and a realistic cooling curve.

For the next six runs, the top jet remains unchanged, with only the bottom jet being changed. First, we lower the density of the bottom jet while keeping the radius fixed.

Next, we have two runs where the radius is varied and the density is varied proportional to the inverse square of the radius; this keeps the mass of any 'gaussian pillbox' fixed (provided the pillbox contains the entire radius of the jet.

Here the radius is again varied, but this time density remains unaltered from the reference case. We see that a change in the radius of the jet does not cause the interaction region to move after collision, but does have a noticeable impact on the spray.

Finally, we change the jet velocities from 70 and 70 km/s to 80 and 60. In the first of these two runs density remains unaltered from the reference case, while in the second run density is increased to keep the mass flux fixed. Note that the top jet still has a higher ram pressure and thus the interaction region still moves.

Next step is to rerun a few of these at a larger scale. Some of the runs are being run in a 128x128x128 box (original is 64) at lower refinement to better study the spray, while another set of runs (not mutually exclusive) are being rerun in 32x32x16 at higher refinement to better resolve the interaction region. I began by rerunning the reference run in both cases, while I work on selecting 2-3 additional runs for each type.

Even with the restricted region, the higher level of refinement results in the interaction region run only about 10-15 frames per day. Currently it is on frame 117, shown below:

Meanwhile rerunning to focus on the spray produced nearly 900 frames within a period of about a week

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