First Blog Post 10/04/11

I was assigned the Bondi Accretion problem with which to do my first module. After consulting with Martin extensively I've been reading Bondi's original paper, as well as:

Galactic Black Hole - Falcke & Hehl High Energy Astrophysics - Melia Physics of Astrophysics Vol. 2 - Shu

My initial issue was looking through the equations and finding the simpler solution for particles that have already crossed the sonic barrier for speed, rather than the more complicated full solution to the problem. Eventually, the simple solution of v = sqrt(2GM/r) made sense, as they have just enough energy to get back out to infinity, but since they are being accreted, have a velocity going the opposite direction.

This last week has been a tutorial in transferring physics into code. I managed to compile astrobear for my problem.f90 file, but got many errors while trying to run the program. I spent a good part of the weekend trying to figure out if there was anything in my problem.f90 file that was causing these errors, but eventually realized that it was because all of my .data files were only in the Problem directory, and not the astrobear directory as well. After fixing this, that error went away, but now astrobear complains of an error with my &

I feel as if once I have successfully run this simulation, future ones will be a lot simpler to do!


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