Meeting Update Jan.14

Not much to update since I was visiting relatives/traveling most of the time last week. Here's a recap on where I'm at for the ongoing projects.

Heat conduction solver: The conduction front and RT(not quantitative) tests are done. 3D compatibility is added. Next up is a 3D RT test to check the things I've added. After that, our collaborators can step in and play with the code on their own problems. Remaining task is putting in 1D compatibility (probably not relevant for the collaboration, but good to have). I will also touch base with Jonathan about the heat flux conservation routine he suggested me to add.

Triggered star formation: Last time I got a stable cloud with 1/100 pc in radius and 1 solar mass. I will submit some jobs with this cloud + shock to bluestreak this week.

Resistive clump: I'm currently preparing the first draft. For this week, I will make a short presentation from the draft (several pages pdf) for Gianluca's visit.


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