Meeting Update Feb.25

TSF test run with Boss' BE sphere: When the incoming shock has Mach 1, the ram pressure from the shock matches the thermal pressure on the cloud edge since pressure remains the same across the isothermal shock. We get a slow blow of materials onto the sphere. The cloud density evolution in simulation:

When the incoming shock has Mach 3.16, the ram pressure is about 100 times the thermal pressure on the cloud edge. We get a shock speed of about 5.78km/s. This shock should theoretically trigger the cloud collapse as indicated in Boss2010 but there should be very little injection. The cloud density evolution:

When the incoming shock has Mach 20, the ram pressure is about 1.6e+5 times the thermal pressure on the cloud edge. In this case, we have a shock that is about 37km/s, falls into the triggered-injection window in Boss2010.
movie coming soon

I'll do the high res version of the above runs on stampede this week.

Gritschneder's setup: it seems the BE module only treats the isothermal case, so I need some input from Jonathan or Erica.

Papers: finished writing the MFU-IV draft.


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