Meeting Update 0702

All runs are finished and looking good. New Figures for the paper are here (too many):
fig03: strong toroidal(beta=0.25), aligned with the shock.
fig04: strong toroidal(beta=0.25), perpendicular with the shock.
fig05: strong poloidal(beta=0.25), aligned with the shock.
fig06: strong poloidal(beta=0.25), perpendicular with the shock.
fig07: weak toroidal(beta=0.25), aligned with the shock.
fig08: weak toroidal(beta=0.25), perpendicular with the shock.

fig12: kinetic energy transfer and total magnetic energy for the strong contained field cases.
fig13: kinetic energy transfer and total magnetic energy for the weak contained field cases.
fig14: mixing ratio at tcc and 3tcc for the strong contained field cases.
fig15: mixing ratio at tcc and 3tcc for the weak contained field cases.

Volume rendered movie for one special case: strong poloidal perpendicular to demonstrate the clump morphology evolution:
Mixing ratio has very different behavior when the contained field pressure is changed: in the strong contained field cases, the initial mixing ratio look almost identical but then develops differences as the simulations went on. But in the weak contained field cases, there is a sharp difference between the toroidal and poloidal configurations.
Movie of mixing ratio for the strong contained case:
Movie of mixing ratio for the weak contained case:


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