Meeting Update 0807

Finished the second revision of the clump paper. Eric has commented on it after his second read, and his suggestions are put into the latest version. Currently waiting for Adam's second read and responses. Hopefully it can be submitted very soon.[[BR]][[BR]]

Currently working on the testing modules for the Gold version. I have generated the low res reference frames for the Magnetized Clump (using 3D toroidal aligned geometry) problem, and am working on the other problem modules since I'm not familiar with some of them.

Talked with Laura about the Qual. We need:
(1) setup the committee with four people: Adam, an experimentalist, a faculty member from the same area, a faculty member from a different area (can be from another department).
(2) setup date, time and room.
(3) submit a 10 page handout outlining the research and goals, each faculty member should get one 2 weeks prior to the actual Qual.
(4) prepare a presentation.


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